Party Platter made easy! Artichokes Taro Pancakes Recipe - gluten free, vegan


When we lived in San Francisco, taro root was available almost anywhere and in any supermarket big or small. I enjoyed cooking and creating with it. Now that we have relocated to Texas, it is tougher to locate but I am still determined to find it. This recipe was created a few months ago but I am just now getting around to posting this super easy recipe.

It’s an amazing toddler friendly recipe and great for party platters!


Makes approximately 14

1 whole fresh raw whole artichoke

1 taro root, peeled

Salt and ground black pepper to taste

¼ cup Bob’s Red Mill teff flour

4 Tablespoons canola oil


Place taro root in food processor and puree.

Steam artichoke for 60 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. Separate the stems and hearts from the leaves. Compost or discard the leaves. Add artichoke stems and hearts in food processor with taro root, salt, pepper, and teff flour. Process until pureed and combined.

Heat oil on high in a nonstick skillet. Turn heat down to medium and place 1 tablespoon of the taro mix with oil until all mixture used. Flip a few times throughout cooking until browned on both sides. The middle will still be soft.

Cover a plate with a paper towel. Place each cooked pancake on paper towel to drain excess oil and allow to dry. When ready to serve, place taro cakes on a serving platter. Enjoy immediately with hummus or a la carte.

Something told me to buy artichokes at the farmers market that day I decided to get crafty with this.

I grew up with artichokes bushes in my parent’s home so I was taught to love artichokes. It is tough to find the perfect artichoke, but here is a way to get your little one to enjoy this tasty, simple vegetable.


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