Omega 3 Nut Butter Recipe - protein packed


Buying nut butter can be a drag and super time consuming. There are so many different types out there but there does not seem to be one on the market that offers a variety of seeds and nuts with added Omega 3s, which is easily accessible.

I prefer to make my own nut butter, which is super easy and tastes better.

Cook with me here 


You can never get too many Omega 3s in your diet, especially when trying to figure out your toddler’s diet!

Makes approximately 2 cups

1 cup raw macadamia nuts 
1 cup raw almonds 
1/4 cup raw hulled hempseed 
1/4 cup flaxseed meal 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
Optional: 1 teaspoon your local honey 

Place all nuts in food processor until powdery, yet moist.  Add hemp, flaxseed, and salt. 
Food process more until combine and puréed. Place in storage container. Ready to eat. Store in refrigerator!

If adding honey, add to mix in container and stir to combine. 



If you want to go Nuts and add many, many different types of nuts:


Omega 3 Go Nuts butter:


1/4 cup unsalted brazil nuts 
1/4 cup raw hulled hempseed

1/4 cup flaxseed meal
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 cup unsalted peanuts
I cup unsalted walnuts or macadamia nuts

1/4 cup unsalted sunflower seeds or pumpkins seeds (pepita seeds)
1/4 cup unsalted cashews

1/2 cup unsalted pecans

1 cup unsalted almonds
1 Teaspoons salt 

Optional: 1 teaspoon neutral oil, such as safflower oil


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